T-Rex: Oh, hi there!
T-Rex: You live in a society where someone could kill you for no reason.
T-Rex: Maybe you deserve better??
T-Rex: MAYBE - just MAYBE - you deserve to live in a world where the thought of another person murdering you, or stealing your coolest stuff, or cheating you, or putting you in a hole and then filling the hole up with ants NEVER ENTERS YOUR MIND because it NEVER HAPPENS.
Dromiceiomimus: What's the solution, T-Rex? A utopian society?
T-Rex: Um, yes please!!
Utahraptor: Tons of different utopian societies have been tried before, and all have failed! Including YOURS, T-Rex.
T-Rex: TRUE.
T-Rex: But you know what they all had in common? We filled them with US. Maybe we should admit that even though we had millennia, we never quite nailed the "living in peace" thing and let someone else have a chance! Like, oh I don't know... SUPERINTELLIGENT ROBOTS??
Utahraptor: Or, you know, mammals.
T-Rex: Hah! The ones who have MILK that comes out of their CHEST, and then they DRINK it, and then they grow up milk-crazed so they suck it out of ANIMALS, and then they box up whatever they can't drink and sell it to other mammals at the grocery store??