January 4th, 2008
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The haps: I am lucky enough to have this power, which I will call the Power of Internet Popularity, a power shared by a few other people. With this power I can sometimes just make stuff up, and then this stuff becomes real. It's crazy! But it's also fantastic. Peter Parker tells me to use this power wisely and to that I say, "Sure thing, Mr. Parker!"

Last week I talked about mashing up "Smells like Teen Spirit" and "Layla", and both David and Eddie made my fevered dream a fevered reality. These songs are great, and insane. They sound like a crazy person composed them, but as you listen to them, the craziness starts to make sense.

Eddie Davis - "Smells Like Layla"
David Cummings - "Smells Like Layla’s Spirit"

Enjoy! And thank you so much, Eddie and David!

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