March 3rd, 2008 
my friend "P" has a bank card that suggests his middle name is "Spanky." Way to go, P! ALSO, YES, if you are down with P then you are also correspondingly down with me.

The haps: Thank you everyone who emailed me about the skateboard simulator! There are a few things I'd like to clear up: if it worked and you held in place on the treadmill, it would not be the same as just standing on a stationary board: a skateboard steers by the way you tilt on it, and at high speeds small changes in your stance mean big changes in direction, so it would handle very differently. And when I said it would still hurt when you hit the ground, I meant falling and hitting the treadmill (where there's a big difference in velocity), not, like, hitting your living room carpet. That wouldn't be so bad.

Finally, I wanted to thank Randall and all the other who suggested a tilting treadmill for this, and everyone who came up with the "giant fan" and "maybe a harness would help too" ideas. I am really happy to know that, given enough money, the misleadingly-named Terminal Velocity Skateboard Simulator can be made a reality.

Tomorrow's comic: something that's not about skateboards... PROBABLY!

– Ryan

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