November 3rd, 2011 
in writing this comic i discovered there are people who have seriously put forward the "hidden identical jesus twins" theory, which makes me think that professional religious scholarship is WAY more fun than generally advertised

The haps: NEW DINOSAUR COMICS BOOK! Dinosaur Comics: Everybody Knows Failure Is Just Success Rounded Down.

There's a very limited number of these that can be signed and sketched in by me, so if that sounds like the kind of thing you'd say "wow that is a good idea!" you should get on that quick!

The book features a year's worth of comics, awesome new indices including an n-gram analysis I ran, AND an introduction by Andrew Hussie, whose long-standing interest in me is well-documented. You can also get this and the other DC book in a two-pack full of savings! THIS IS THE WORLD WE LIVE IN; IT'S - IT'S PRETTY OKAY

– Ryan

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