T-Rex: I have spent MANY an hour in my life happily coming up with ways to perfectly phrase wishes so they can't backfire on me - even with the most capricious genie.
T-Rex: And I am not the only one!!
T-Rex: There is a whole WORLD out there FILLED with people - like me! - who are ABSOLUTELY READY to be given three wishes and have CONCRETE PLANS on how to make the most out of them. Do some focus on hacking language to get more than three wishes? Absolutely. Do others assume the Three Limit is enforced at a higher legal level protected from wish modification? Also absolutely.
Utahraptor: Oh, we all know about the Hard Threers!
T-Rex: *gasp*
T-Rex: Utahraptor, YOU'RE part of the Three Wish Maximizers community too?
Utahraptor: I am, and MY only wish... is that I'd told you sooner!
T-Rex: Oh my gosh!
Narrator: BUT LATER:
T-Rex: Wait, he didn't qualify that wish AT ALL, thereby leaving the door WIDE OPEN to his wish coming true but I don't believe him, or we both forget, or doing so causes one or both of us to die, or...!
T-Rex: ...
T-Rex: ...HE'S A FRAUD