T-Rex: Worried about getting old? Worried the best years of your life have passed you by?
T-Rex: I mean honestly that's possible but on the other hand
T-Rex: For example, you could become a piano prodigy at any point in your life! You may ALREADY be born with the innate talent required, ready to spill out the moment you sit down and try to play. And you could do that whenever - even when living in an old folks home!
Dromiceiomimus: Great! The world will applaud my skill, but bemoan the fact I wasted SO MUCH of my life not doing the one thing I was great at!
Utahraptor: Yeah, this isn't making me feel any better, T-Rex!
T-Rex: Okay, yes! I can see that!
T-Rex: Well REAL TALK: odds are you're not a piano prodigy. But buck up! You could be a prodigy in one of the TRILLIONS of things you've never tried. Plus you don't have to discover that in an old folks home: you could die without EVER finding your special talent!!
Utahraptor: That only made it worse OH NO
T-Rex: OKAY: maybe you'll die unprodigal because you actually WERE unexceptional at everything! This way, you're still dead, but now there's no missed opportunity!
T-Rex: There! That's objectively less sad, and you should feel objectively less sad!