T-Rex: POP QUIZ, HOTSHOT: there's an out of control train! If it goes straight, it'll run over five people! But you can redirect it so it only hits one person instead. WHAT DO YOU DO??
T-Rex: I mean, obviously redirect the train, right?
T-Rex: But now what if INSTEAD you're on a bridge, and the only way to redirect the train is to PUSH THAT ONE DUDE OVER THE BRIDGE to his CERTAIN DEATH??
Dromiceiomimus: Eugh, that's way harder. Can I jump off the bridge myself, dying a hero?
T-Rex: NOPE. He's really chubby so only his GIANT BODY will do the trick. Also, this is a real problem ethicists write about and they have made his monumental corpulence CRITICAL.
T-Rex: But... what if Chubby Dude is the one who messed with the train's brakes?
Utahraptor: Push him! Dude deserves it!!
T-Rex: But what if the Chubby Man only messed with the brakes because he was trying to REPAIR them and he sucks??
Utahraptor: I guess - still push him? But feel worse about it?
T-Rex: What if he sucks because he is a LITERAL BABY?? Are you going to KILL A BABY, Utahraptor??
Off panel: ...Ethicists really worry about this situation?
T-Rex: Dude, it's their JOB to argue all day about whether throwing fat incompetent babies off bridges to save five people is ethical!