T-Rex: Life on other worlds! So!
T-Rex: Look, we've been looking for LITERALLY DECADES, which in astronomy terms is nothing BUT STILL, and so far we don't have so much as a "sup!! afk btw" from ANYONE. Are we ALONE? Is everyone else SUPER SHY or possibly VAMPIRES? Is the universe full of horrible monsters that prey on life whenever it evolves and so all life on OTHER worlds is just staring in silent horror as we foolishly announce ourselves to the galaxy??
Utahraptor: Maybe they're communicating using a medium we can't detect!
T-Rex: Sure!
T-Rex: MAYBE they live super slow lives compared to us, so our entire civilization will pass by in a blip to them! Maybe they're robots who don't recognize organic life! MAYBE THEY'RE EMBARRASSED AT HOW CRAPPY VOYAGER 2 IS, SINCE ITS ON-BOARD COMPUTER IS SO TINY IT CAN'T EVEN PLAY MP3S??
T-Rex: Maybe any of these premises is infinitely more interesting than being alone in a boring universe full of dust, and if there's any justice AT LEAST one of them will be true??
T-Rex: Oh, except the monsters one
T-Rex: That one super blows my chunks