T-Rex: Okay, I have invented my OWN chess pieces! The first is MEGAQUEEN. She's a queen who has the powers of every other piece!
T-Rex: "Unstoppable," you say?
T-Rex: "Truly awe-inspiring in a way that will forever demarcate my life into two sections: the dread before and the wonderful after when I heard tell of this wonderful megaqueen," you gasp? Well I've got good news: there's an even BETTER piece than her.
Dromiceiomimus: Is it Batman?
T-Rex: Oh hell yes it's Batman.
T-Rex: And here comes the question I've been preparing for my whole life:
Utahraptor: Tell me about Batman!
T-Rex: Batman is a regular pawn unless you lose both horsies, at which point his parents are killed before his eyes and he becomes Batman, who can defeat any other piece on the board given enough prep time.
Utahraptor: Oh yes.
T-Rex: Oh HELL yes.
T-Rex: So the strategy becomes NOT killing your opponent's horsies, while at the same time trying to induce your own Batman origin! It changes chess from the game of kings... to the game of HEROES.
T-Rex: Oh! I almost forgot!
T-Rex: Nobody tell DC; I don't got no money