T-Rex: Ah yes, time to start this new year right...
T-Rex: ...by forgetting me some OLD ACQUAINTANCES!!
Dromiceiomimus: T-Rex, no! There's a whole song about how you're not supposed to do that! The first thing we do each year is sing it; it's that important!!
T-Rex: I know! It begins "Should old acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind?" and my answer is yes, they should! It's a correct song!!
Utahraptor: Why are you so bullish on forgetting old acquaintances?
T-Rex: It benefits EVERYONE!
T-Rex: Everyone who publicly embarrassed themselves last year, I'm only acquainted with them through their SHAME. By forgetting it AND them, I stop carrying around other people's problems, and THEY get the relief of knowing there's one dude who doesn't recall whatever they did anymore! Sounds win-win to me!!
T-Rex: I only remember the public embarrassments of my FRIENDS, Utahraptor. Or should I say... "INFLATABLE POOL INCIDENT GUY"??
Off panel: Oh god
Off panel: So many old acquaintances have not yet forgotten that