T-Rex: Autobiographies are when people write about their lives! Pretty good...
T-Rex: ...if you haven't invented SOCIAL MEDIA already!!
T-Rex: What could be a more honest autobiography than just a giant bound collection of everything someone has posted online?? You get the laughter and the tears. Plus memes and takes, both hot AND cold!
T-Rex: Therefore in the future all autobios should just be printed-out tweets and insta stories; the end.
Utahraptor: Are you looking for feedback on this opinion?
Utahraptor: Well, to start, it presupposes posts are honest reflections of the self and not an ongoing and always-on performative exercise in presentation.
T-Rex: And autobiographies aren't??
Utahraptor: Fair point, but -
T-Rex: Hey everyone! Agree with me and you never have to worry about posting too much, because you're secretly an author labouring over your autobiography!!
Off panel: DANG IT, I'M IN