T-Rex: On your last day of a stay at a friend's place, do you:
T-Rex: a) make the bed!
T-Rex: b) strip the bed!
T-Rex: c) oh god I didn't know you were supposed to do EITHER of those things, oh god oh GOD!!
Dromiceiomimus: FRIG, that one's me! FRIG.
T-Rex: That's the joy of it, Dromiceiomimus!! Some people were raised to expect one option, others were raised to expect another, and we never talk about it so you don't know what to do!
T-Rex: You may have been accidentally offending people your ENTIRE LIFE without even realizing it!! Hah hah hah!
Utahraptor: Ah well!
Utahraptor: In the future I'll just ask, and I'm certain my relationships with my friends are strong enough that they'd tell me if anything I was doing was REALLY bothering them.
T-Rex: Utahraptor, NO! That is FAR too reasonable!!
T-Rex: Now is the time for FREAKING OUT and feeling ANXIOUS!
T-Rex: And for not forgetting to FOLLOW ME for MORE CONTENT LIKE THIS!