T-Rex: I have felt the harsh sting of my own racial joke turned against me!
T-Rex: Luckily, I've been saving a joke for just such an occasion.
T-Rex: All those hours of thinking up insults for hypothetical enemies has finally paid off!
T-Rex: So, my racist joke somehow backfired on me.
Dromiceiomimus: I hope that's the last time you ever say that sentence.
T-Rex: Well, I've made up my own joke to get him today. All I need to do is "find that Utahraptor"!
T-Rex: I hope the Utahraptor is around here somewhere! My legs are getting tired.
Utahraptor: I'm behind you.
T-Rex: There you are! Knock, knock.
Utahraptor: Who's there?
T-Rex: Utah.
Utahraptor: *sigh*
Utahraptor: Utah who?
T-Rex: Utaught me how to be a stupid jerk!
T-Rex: And I was a very good student!
Off panel: Do you even listen to yourself?
T-Rex: No, but - see? I learnt it from you!