T-Rex: Yes! Maybe sometimes you don't want to throw the fact that you've found happiness in the arms of another in my face? Maybe you need some "euphemisms".
T-Rex: For example!
T-Rex: Instead of saying "Sally and I are now dating exclusively" you can say "Sally and I are now seeing other people ONLY WITH REGRET." On second thought, maybe you should keep the "Sally and I are now dating exclusively" because if I don't want to acknowledge your commitment, I can play dumb and say, "Sally and you are now dating exclusively... axe murderers? Mad scientists? Um, DOGS?"
Utahraptor: So, hey, your euphemisms are pretty weak so far!
T-Rex: Yes. Allow me to correct that!
T-Rex: Instead of "T-Rex, we're dating": "T-Rex, we're eating an awful lot of picnics on Sundays", "T-Rex, we're hanging out more than can be politely explained away", "T-Rex, we're playing Mega Man in two-player mode".
Utahraptor: Mega Man doesn't have a two-player mode.
T-Rex: Not for us, Utahraptor! Not for us.
T-Rex: *sigh*