T-Rex: Plot twists are when you think the murderer was the cape guy, but then it turns out....
T-Rex: ...the murderer was actually this other cape guy!!
T-Rex: They also happen when a plant is revealed to ACTUALLY be a ghost plant. Or when Oedipus realizes he's in Oedipus Rex and then stabs out his eyes!
Dromiceiomimus: He actually stabs out his eyes because he realizes he's murdered his father and married his mother.
T-Rex: *gasp*
T-Rex: Twists upon twists!!
Utahraptor: Plot twists don't always happen at the end, though!
T-Rex: It's true!
T-Rex: Sometimes they happen in the middle. Like in romantic comedies when the female lead says "You know what I'M just not that into? NOT BEING IN MY GIANT ROBOT SUIT!" and then she walks around in her giant robot suit.
Utahraptor: ...What?
T-Rex: And then Mr. Darcy shows up in HIS robot suit, and he holds up a sign that says, "Forsooth, I had forgotten I ownned this Robot Suitte"?
T-Rex: Holy crap, Utahraptor! Would it be a plot twist IN MY OWN LIFE to spend all my time rewriting out-of-copyright books??