T-Rex: Celsius is way better than Fahrenheit! Celsius puts zero at the point where water freezes, and 100 at the point where it boils. That's handy! Water's EVERYWHERE, man.
T-Rex: If you're ever trapped in the past you can recreate Celsius, no problem!
T-Rex: But Fahrenheit? FAHRENHEIT is based on the temperature of brine for zero and the temperature of some eponymous dude's armpit for - 96 degrees? They should've called it "Armpits! The Temperature Scale".
Dromiceiomimus: Fahrenheit DOES ensure there's no negative numbers when dealing with commonly-encountered temperatures.
T-Rex: Oh, boo hoo! So does Kelvin, and that's BASICALLY Celsius anyway!
Utahraptor: I think all this underscores how arbitrary these systems of measurement are!
T-Rex: What? How?
Utahraptor: You're always just picking two temperatures and dividing the space between up into arbitrary degrees! We could just as easily be dealing with the freezing and boiling points of a 50/50 mixture of champagne and caviar, say.
T-Rex: ...Oh My God.
T-Rex: YES.
Narrator: SOON:
T-Rex: Ladies and gentlemen, I give you: The Classiness Scale. Degrees are easily measured in "°PC", or "degrees pure class"!
Off panel: So you'd say that it's, what... 20 degrees of Pure Class out today?
T-Rex: You would, my friend! You would indeed.