T-Rex: I have been secretly working on my first novel!
T-Rex: I call it, "Love and the Dead-Eyed Stoolie!"
T-Rex: The exclaimation mark belongs inside the title. It is that exciting a novel!
T-Rex: It stars a T-Rex as a hard-boiled detective, and a conniving Utahraptor as the Dead-Eyed Stoolie!
T-Rex: A "stoolie" is someone who betrays his partners in crime to the police!
Utahraptor: Why is a Utahraptor the stoolie?
T-Rex: Well, I think that's pretty obvious.
Utahraptor: And I think it's pretty obvious that you are propagating the stereotype that Utahraptors are untrustworthy criminals!
T-Rex: Huh?
T-Rex: That is a ludicrously over-specific stereotype!