T-Rex: In the 1600s scientists from history were discovering a lot of things about science! It was an exciting time to be a scientist from history!
T-Rex: But they were also concerned about people stealing their ideas!
T-Rex: So while still working out the particulars, they'd publish the basics of their ideas IN SECRET CODE. Robert Hooke's published his law of elasticity as "ceiiinosssttuv". And Newton wrote a letter to his chum Leibniz where he was all "6accdæ13eff7i3l9n4o4qrr4s8t12ux", which uses numbers to represent how often the letters appear, and which, unencoded, is the Latin version of, oh, I don't know, HIS FUNDAMENTAL THEORY OF CALCULUS??
Utahraptor: And unbeknownst to him, Leibniz was working on inventing calculus too!
T-Rex: Exactly!
T-Rex: So when Leibniz announced he'd invented calculus, Newton said he'd invented it first! But if Newton had just TOLD Leibniz about calculus instead of encoding it in the first place, there'd have been no controversy.
Utahraptor: It was an exciting time to be a scientist AND an anagramist!
T-Rex: Indeed! In comparison, being an anagramist today is totally boring, as nobody is encoding fundamental discoveries into word games anymore.
T-Rex: 12t10o8e7a6l6n6u5i5s5d5h5y3I3r3fbbwwkcmvg