T-Rex: My new book is a collection of fairy tales.
T-Rex: A collection of SCIENCE FICTION fairy tales, that is!!
T-Rex: For example, Cinderella is exactly as it was before, only now Prince Charming has access to an advanced computer SO AMAZING that parts of it can exist only in hyperspace!
Dromiceiomimus: And he uses it to find his true love?
T-Rex: What? No, he doesn't know how to use it. I told you, the plot is exactly as it was before. This awesome stuff is all in the background!
T-Rex: And in Little Red Riding Hood, there's robot suits!
Utahraptor: Used to fight the wolf?
T-Rex: How old is Little Red Riding Hood, like, four? Six? She wouldn't know how to operate one. Besides, their interiors are scaled for adults. No, she proceeds as she normally does.
Utahraptor: These sound really bad.
T-Rex: Hello? Bad is the new totally totally sweet!
T-Rex: I call my tales, "Stories To Make You Say 'Why Don't These Characters Just Use A Phaser, Man, There's Clearly A Phaser In The Background There'"
T-Rex: The subtitle is "Look At It, I Think It's The Kind From Star Trek"!