T-Rex: Copper is an excellent metal because it resists corrosion AND oxidation, and the patina it develops protects it against further decay! It's also excellent because you can build statues out of it. Statues perhaps, of...
T-Rex: ...
T-Rex: ...ME?
Dromiceiomimus: That's actually not a bad idea, T-Rex! If you want something to last a long time in the environment, copper's a great material. Put it underwater and it'll last even longer.
T-Rex: That's what I'm saying! A copper statue of me could last MILLIONS of years, even with nobody taking care of it!
T-Rex: Millions of years, Utahraptor!
Utahraptor: That IS plenty of years!
T-Rex: That's enough time for OUR ENTIRE SPECIES to be wiped out, for a new sentient species to evolve, discover my statue, and marvel at this sexy man immortalized in metal. "Hey you guys," they'll say, "maybe he should be our new god!"
Utahraptor: Unless they evolve different ideas of sexy.
T-Rex: MAN, even if they do, I can STILL see my sculpted copper 'ceps changing more than a few folks over to "statuesexual"! Sculpturephiliacs? Bustarians?
T-Rex: Anyway.
T-Rex: I'M SURE they'll think of a word.