T-Rex: Okay, so we all know when we look at distant stars, we're actually seeing what they looked like long ago, since light takes time to reach us. But light takes time to travel anywhere, EVEN JUST ACROSS THE ROOM. So when I'm looking at my hands -
T-Rex: - I'm actually looking at past hands! I've NEVER seen my hands as they currently are. I live in the present and I totally spend all my time there, but I'm constantly surrounded by ghostly images of times gone by! We talk, Dromiceiomimus, but all I can see is your ghost!! Can you feel yourself tripping ALL the balls??
Dromiceiomimus: W-
T-Rex: We're leaving no ball left untripped here, Dromiceiomimus.
Utahraptor: T-Rex, even if your hands were 5m from your eyes, you know how long light takes to travel that? 16.7 NANOseconds.
T-Rex: So?
T-Rex: That's not a problem? Utahraptor, I'm ASSUMING you're still here, but you could've disappeared already and I'd have NO IDEA. You could disappear at any point during our CONVERSATIONAL INTERCOURSE and I'd only find out about it like 16.7 nanoseconds l-
T-Rex: whoah