T-Rex: Batman loves to fight crime, right? He loves it. He lives for it! So you show how fighting crime is his obsession.
T-Rex: But Batman's going too far!
T-Rex: And of course there's already been tons of stories where he's gone too far, but in this one he's not punching dudes too hard now or anything. Instead, he's neglecting his Bruce Wayne persona!
Dromiceiomimus: So? Bruce Wayne's not that important.
T-Rex: Bruce Wayne runs Wayne Enterprises, and Wayne Enterprises is what funds Batman and his gadgets!
Utahraptor: So Batman is ignoring Wayne Enterprises. Then what happens?
T-Rex: An amazing dilemma!
T-Rex: Batman needs the financial support of Wayne Enterprises, so he has to devote more time to it! But every time he's in the boardroom instead of on the streets, people are DYING.
Utahraptor: A large benevolent corporation, properly directed, could easily do much more good than a lone vigilante in a single city.
Banner: The Worst Person To Talk About Batman With TODAY'S WINNER: UTAHRAPTOR
T-Rex: Utahraptor, come quick!!