T-Rex: Hello everyone! I am interesting and awesome!
T-Rex: Probably you should spend more time thinking about me?!
T-Rex: Why aren't I more popular already, Dromiceiomimus? I'd pal around with me. I'd date me!
Dromiceiomimus: You're popular with me, T-Rex!
T-Rex: I know! But look, I've found a way to say this without sounding shallow: I'd like both to have good friends AND be famous AND be extremely popular with everyone!
T-Rex: OH NO it still sounded shallow! OH NO
T-Rex: I'm funny! I'm cool! I clean up nice and can carry a conversation!
Utahraptor: Sure, but not everyone can be popular!
Utahraptor: If they were, we'd all be at EQUAL popularity, and popularity becomes meaningless! We need folks like you for our popularity to even be a thing.
T-Rex: What? "We"? You're more popular than me?! Since when?
Utahraptor: Oops. Just forget I said anything, okay?