T-Rex: If I go outside when it's super cold, after a few hours I would die. My body would be found inside a giant ice cube.
T-Rex: My body would be found inside a giant RHETORICAL ice cube!
T-Rex: Similarly, if I hold my breath, that'll kill me after a few minutes too! In fact, if I do ANYTHING uninterrupted for too long it's fatal.
Dromiceiomimus: Even conversation?
T-Rex: Talk for too long and you die of dehydration! You can talk for at most 3 days nonstop and them BAM! Dead!
Utahraptor: Well I for one would like to know what these ceilings are, so I don't hit them accidentally!
T-Rex: Me too!
T-Rex: How long eating carrots is too long? How much sex is fatal sex? How many chuckles in a row until you chuckle your last??
Utahraptor: Like a calorie-counting app, but instead it tells you how long ANYTHING takes to kill you!
T-Rex: YES! Call it, "Too Much Of A Good Thing".
T-Rex: No wait, call it "Death Lurks Everywhere"! No wait, call it "You Can Kiss Yourself To Death, So, Um - Keep That In Mind?"
Off panel: No wait, we should get the software developed before we worry about naming it!
T-Rex: No, wait!!
T-Rex: That sounds like the boring part!!