T-Rex: I think I have sex addiction, but like, for food!
T-Rex: Oh my gosh it's so freeing to finally say this out loud.
T-Rex: I wanna eat food like three times a day!!
T-Rex: And I wanna eat it at home and sometimes I wanna go out and eat it in public and I DON'T CARE IF ANYONE SEES ME. In fact, if I know the person watching me, I usually invite them to join in!
Dromiceiomimus: Do you want to eat food... in front of your family?
T-Rex: I won't lie! I've done it!!
Utahraptor: Have you ever... PAID for food?
T-Rex: Absolutely!
T-Rex: When I'm in a relationship sometimes my sweetie and I make food together, but often I'll have to go out and pay for it. Or sometimes I'll just take care of it myself. There's no shame in that!
Utahraptor: I'm not saying there is!
T-Rex: Utahraptor, sometimes I think about food EVEN WHILE EATING OTHER FOODS.
T-Rex: Fancier foods, you know? Or foods that my partner is unwilling or unable to cook for me. I buy food magazines to read about things I haven't tried yet. I -
T-Rex: I catch myself downloading food pictures when I'm supposed to be working