T-Rex: Today I wrote 500 words of my fanfiction epic, "Doc Brownhay And Marty McHorse". The premise is, what if Marty was a McHorse?
T-Rex: But in that time I visited websites and looked at related videos and searched for things that interest me, and MAN, I realized I probably caused more information to come into the world by doing that than by writing: what videos I watched, what I searched for - the works! All this is information I caused to be created!
Utahraptor: And more information's being tracked and recorded every day!
T-Rex: Exactly my point!
T-Rex: It's not hard to imagine a future where more recorded information exists ABOUT me than information I ever personally produced. You may not know what I cared about, who I loved, or the things I believed to be true, but by God, you'll know my ad click behavior patterns and what my IP address was searching for.
Off panel: Wow, says here that according to his search logs and ad engagement thresholds, this dude was big into socks for a couple days there. I wonder if he needed to buy new socks.
Off panel: Yes indeed, history sure is mysterious