T-Rex: Santa has a herd of flying reindeer. He uses them to achieve a heavier-than-air circumnavigation of the planet once a year!
T-Rex: In retrospect, this raises a ton of questions!
T-Rex: Are the reindeer born with flight powers, and if so, how do you train baby animals that can FLY and have heads mounted with DEADLY ANTLERS? Is this truly reindeer-based organic flight, and if so, can the same genes be spliced in to allow US to run, lean back, and sprint across the sky?
T-Rex: Why are the heavens being denied to us, Santa?
Utahraptor: Maybe it's done by magic!
T-Rex: That only raises more questions!!
T-Rex: Magic being real is kind of a big deal, dude! Magic isn't bound by physical law. Magic gets us flying reindeer, but ALSO get us bowls of water that never empty, which you might also recognize as INFINITE SOURCES OF ENERGY?? Look, all I'm saying is I want in.
Utahraptor: Write him a letter!
Narrator: LATER:
T-Rex: Santa wrote me back!!
Off panel: What'd he say?
T-Rex: blah blah cultural contamination, blah blah planet not ready for the power, blah blah and then there's a free gift card for the mall!
T-Rex: ...NICE!