July 30th, 2013: The choose-your-own launch party for This Is How You Die and To Be or Not To Be was super fun, you guys! Thanks to everyone who came out - we opened with a performance by CTP of Hamlet done in 15 minutes, then again in 3 minutes, then again BACKWARDS in 3 minutes - and closed with a demo of the Machine of Death game that I did PRETTY OKAY AT, with lots of fun things in between, like an choose-your-own audiobook reading with improvised ending and Machine of Death Game That Is Similar, But Legally Distinct From, Pictionary.
No pictures yet (was too busy to take any!) but I'm hoping I'll see some soon. Thank you all for supporting our weird little1 books!
1 "Little" being an odd choice of adjective since To Be or Not To Be is 768 pages long and weighs as much as a baby One year ago today: A HISTORY OF MOON-BASED TECHNOLOGICAL RHETORIC – Ryan