T-Rex: In Grand Theft Auto, you can walk up to any car, open the door, and steal it! This is because nobody ever locks their car doors in Grand Theft Auto. The only question is...
T-Rex: why?
T-Rex: You are fired!
T-Rex: We need an IN-UNIVERSE EXPLANATION - and I have performed this feat! Consider the universe of GTA: much like ours, except for a single individual who is FUNCTIONALLY IMMORTAL. Police arrest him, he walks free. If he's shot / exploded / whatever, hospitals will restore him to perfect health no matter how bad the damage is: even if he jumps from an exploding helicopter and lands on another exploding helicopter!
Utahraptor: But that's impossible! We don't have that expertise!
T-Rex: I KNOW!
T-Rex: The hospitals aren't repairing him, friend: HE'S NOT GETTING HURT. He is a fallen god who has forgotten his true nature and whose exposure to mortals has made him chaotic, unpredictable. Everyone goes along and pretends he's a mortal too, hoping it will save them.
T-Rex: It will not.
T-Rex: And yes, the doors are locked - but not to a god! Instead of Deus Ex Machina, Rockstar has given the world its first and finest example of Deus Machinam Vi Patefaciens, MULIERCULAE.
Off panel: Um... "God Tearing Open The Machine"?
T-Rex: God Tearing Open The Machine, LADIES.