T-Rex: Babies! Everyone is always having them all the time. This is not an exaggeration.
God: T-REX
T-Rex: Aren't there other things in life we could be having instead of babies? Like, what if every time you wanted a baby, instead you went out and had a nice meal with cool people instead? Mmmm! That sounds like a real tasty time, you guys!
Dromiceiomimus: Some people would spend a lot of money on a heck of a lot of cool meals.
T-Rex: Exactly!
T-Rex: And this helps the ECONOMY, which I understand is... good?
Utahraptor: Babies cost like $100,000 to raise, dude!
Utahraptor: And that's only to get them to 18: as adults they keep spending too. You'd have to spend like a sailor to keep up with what an adult baby would buy.
T-Rex: You know what's weird? How you say "You'd have to" where without hesitation I would've said "You'd get to".
T-Rex: Although the "actual baby" and the "imaginary baby used to justify expensive purchases" scenarios do both require me to be loaded enough to pay for 'em.
Off panel: Yeah.
T-Rex: Dude I don't wanna sound weird or anything but MAN it must be so fun to be rich sometimes!