T-Rex: One day scientists invent a way to download our brains into robot bodies!
T-Rex: This is great news for those of us who are tired of our fleshy, noticeably nonrobotic bodies!
T-Rex: And once you convert a brain into data, you can OF COURSE back up and restore that data. So not only do people never die, but they can also be ROLLED BACK, restoring yourself to a previous version if you screw up!
Dromiceiomimus: Creepy!
T-Rex: Oh, it gets creepier! Because data can also be COPIED, yo!
Utahraptor: So you make copies of yourself?
T-Rex: Sure. But also? OTHER PEOPLE.
T-Rex: You date someone for fifteen years and then break up. No problem! Here's a robot with an old backup of your sweetie. Enjoy another good decade or so!
Utahraptor: Eugh.
T-Rex: You've creeped yourself out? NO WORRIES! Just restore YOURSELF too. Save scum your own life!
Banner: Thanks to robots, love can now technically last forever!!
T-Rex: Wait. is "technically" a pun there?
Banner: Technically, yes