T-Rex: One day Batman was fighting a crime when another Batman showed up. "TWO BATMEN??" gasped the Joker.
T-Rex: (The Joker was there too; sorry I didn't mention this sooner!!)
T-Rex: The other Batman was glowing green, which was new. After they beat up the Joker and stopped his crimes, the real Batman quickly travelled to Coast City, where the Green Lantern lived. And sure enough, Green Lantern was there on the couch, relaxing, his power ring on. His power ring could make anything he could imagine, and he'd finally realized he could imagine up a Batman instead of just giant boxing gloves or whatever!
Utahraptor: How did the real Batman take this?
T-Rex: But GL convinced and cajoled him, and Batman finally had to admit that YES, he DID hate crime even more than he hated unlicensed infringement upon his likeness rights. And that was it: GL's Batmen became the new normal, and soon there were Green Batmen in every city.
T-Rex: Batman moved in to GL's place to better inspire him, which meant he shadowboxed while GL "observed" him, and yes it was kinda hot, and yes, we were all thinking it. THE END.
Off panel: THANK you