T-Rex: Okay, so, if the universe is full of mediocre aliens, how come they haven't contacted us yet? Could their answer perhaps be...
T-Rex: Perhaps the universe is full of aliens, all assuming everyone ELSE is cooler than they are, all paralyzed by the fear they'll say the wrong thing and finally reveal themselves to be total losers! A whole universe of alien wallflowers, a galactic population that's spent 6 billion years writing out messages of friendship to broadcast to other worlds, only to erase them at the last minute while calling themselves stupid!!
Utahraptor: But WE'VE sent messages to the stars.
T-Rex: So WE must be the cool ones!
T-Rex: We're the ONLY PLANET in the VISIBLE UNIVERSE that has defeated its social anxiety. And that's why we haven't gotten responses! We're like the hot guy with the neat pecs that nobody asks to the dance because they all assume someone ELSE asked! They assume we're taken on account of how neat our pecs are!!
T-Rex: Yo, check 'em out