T-Rex: We don't inherit the Earth from our parents... we BORROW it from our children!
T-Rex: Who in turn, logically, must borrow it from THEIR children too!
T-Rex: Which by induction inevitably leaves the final generation on Earth the original people from whom all other Earths are borrowed. Nicely done, last generation.
Dromiceiomimus: What about people who choose to live child-free?
T-Rex: Well, I suppose they just borrow it from... other people's children??
Utahraptor: Are those children CONSENTING to this? And what usurious interest rate is that final generation on Earth charging us??
T-Rex: Listen, we may be getting SLIGHTLY too deep into this metaphor. I think it's just supposed to, like, make us use fewer plastic straws.
T-Rex: Don't use plastic straws, Utahraptor.
Off panel: Right. Because we don't inherit plastic straws from our parents, we borrow them from our children.
T-Rex: Yeah.
T-Rex: I guess that's how come they last so long