T-Rex: Yes! Finally. FINALLY. Today I am victorious! TODAY IS THE DAY I GET TO SAY "I TOLD YOU SO!"
T-Rex: *ahem*
T-Rex: Attention, everyone!!
T-Rex: I told y'all CLEARLY so!!
Dromiceiomimus: What did you tell us all so about, T-Rex?
T-Rex: See, when I was a kid I was bullied by jocks for being a "computer nerd", but now EVERYONE uses a computer all the time AND carries one around in their pocket, which means I WAS RIGHT and the jocks have become all that they once hated! Computers ARE cool and fun! IT'S JUST AS I SUSPECTED!
Utahraptor: Counterpoint: computer nerds ARE actually kinda awful!
Utahraptor: Computer nerds gave us pervasive surveillance, data break-ins so common they no longer make the news, and Facebook. And that's not getting into the cultural problem how many are the richest and most powerful people alive, but still act (and self-justify) like they're downtrodden underdogs.
Off panel: My point is this: if I COULD go back in time kick sand in Zuckerberg's face at the beach, I would. Can any of us TRULY say otherwise??
T-Rex: Oh my gosh, Utahraptor!! NERDS...