T-Rex: Horror movies! They're a genre to enjoy when you think "I could just watch a movie and relax, but wouldn't I much RATHER watch a movie while simultaneously experiencing fear, a famously unpleasant emotion??"
T-Rex: And that's what horror movies are!
T-Rex: And it's like, I KINDA get it, but in a world where TIME is finite and time-to-watch-movies is even MORE finite, why would you want to experience a scary emotion when there's more pleasurable emotions to emulate via film instead??
Utahraptor: I mean, by that logic we should all sit around watching PORNOGRAPHIC FILMS.
T-Rex: Huh!
T-Rex: You know what? You're right. Farewell, friend! I'm off to appreciate some CINEMA.
Utahraptor: T-Rex, wait, you don't -
T-Rex: Nope, I really want to make a sincere try at this!!
Narrator: BUT THEN:
T-Rex: Welp, this erotica would be much more interesting if there was a madwoman sneaking around in the background doing murders and then eventually facing, or more likely escaping, justice