T-Rex: Do you realize that it's illegal to set off fireworks EXCEPT on certain holidays? The GOVERNMENT doesn't want you setting off SKY EXPLOSIVES whenever you feel like it!!
T-Rex: And THAT is why all civilizations are doomed to fail!
Dromiceiomimus: Couldn't you argue that by restricting them it makes them more special, and also lets us sleep at night without blasts of noise and light going off outside our windows?
T-Rex: I could, and yet I choose not to!!
Utahraptor: Couldn't you also argue that maybe it's GOOD to control consumer-level EXPLOSIVES?
T-Rex: Again, yes!
T-Rex: Let me be clear: I could argue anything! I'm THAT GOOD at arguing. One time I argued that I should be allowed to eat pizza till I ralph, and the next day argued that I should never be listened to while deep in the grasp of pizza fever. BOTH were successful.
T-Rex: And yes, SOME might argue that debating EVERYTHING makes interacting with me a huge annoying chore, but on the other hand they've never successfully convinced me of THAT little point in the rarefied field of debate, soooo