T-Rex: Presented in the hope that it will help KIDS TODAY avoid making the same mistakes...
T-Rex: ...here are things I misunderstood when I was a kid!
T-Rex: THING ONE: I thought a "ten car pileup" meant an accident in which the cars literally piled up on top of each other, like a stack. There was a 21-car pileup once in an ice storm and I was baffled how that could even happen. Were there ramps? There had to be cars ramping off of other cars, right??
T-Rex: THING TWO; Hot flashes. I thought they meant you got suddenly horny!!
Utahraptor: OH NO.
T-Rex: YES! Utahraptor, it was INSANE. Older women would CASUALLY talk to each other about hot flashes in front of me and it was so embarrassing! They'd mime fanning their faces just like southern belles did when confronted with sexy cowboys!!
T-Rex: Yep!!
T-Rex: Those were the only two things I didn't get; everything else I understood and continue to understand today, the end