T-Rex: Oh man... best wedding ever!
T-Rex: And with my new dance moves, I "tore up the dance floor"!
Dromiceiomimus: Are you sure it wasn't just a confidence thing? A sort of "the new dance moves were in you all along" thing?
T-Rex: I was - until you asked! Hmmm...
Utahraptor: So, T-Rex! How did it go?
T-Rex: It went fine!
T-Rex: But I'm beginning to suspect that the dance moves were in me all along!
Utahraptor: No, that's wrong. I taught you the dance moves.
T-Rex: Are you sure? Cause I sure felt like I was the King of the Dance that night!
T-Rex: To clarify, I meant to imply that the King of the Dance was self-taught!
T-Rex: I should have mentioned that sooner; otherwise, my statement makes less sense.