T-Rex: There comes a time in everyone's life when you must finally answer a question...
T-Rex: ...how big a hole can you dig??
T-Rex: The answer will reveal a lot about you. Will you go for wide, or deep?
Dromiceiomimus: I know it's not fair to assume that ALL "widers" are weirdos, but...
T-Rex: Dromiceiomimus: NO ARGUMENT HERE.
Utahraptor: "Wide holes" aren't even holes! They're BOWLS. Mere IMPRESSIONS in dirt.
T-Rex: Ah!
T-Rex: I see you're a deep hole purist. Respect!
Utahraptor: If it's not deeper than wide, a hole you did not provide.
T-Rex: Indeed!!
T-Rex: However, I'm sure we can agree that tunnels - famously wider than deep when viewed in profile - are not mere "impressions" but rather just a specialized type of hole.
Off panel: Uh
Off panel: If by "specialized" you mean DEGENERATE