T-Rex: A popular trend among survivalists is to have a "bug out bag", so if there's a disaster they can grab it and it's got everything they need to survive on their own!
T-Rex: The problem is that they're thinking WAY too big. Civilization collapses and you're gonna go survive on your own in the woods? What are you gonna do, not share your supplies with everyone else? You're gonna live alone shooting any starving, desperate people who approach??
Utahraptor: So what do you suggest?
T-Rex: Stop assuming civilization's gonna collapse, for one!!
T-Rex: Instead, build a bug out bag you can grab when you want a NEW IDENTITY. It should have everything you need to fake your own death in such a way that there's no body to scrutinize, along with papers you'll need to start somewhere else AS someone else! Now THAT'S a tempting bag!!
Off panel: Almost too tempting, really.
T-Rex: Yep!
T-Rex: Honestly, first time I'm asked to work late or help someone move, I'm pulling that bag open, no doubt in my mind