T-Rex: There was a golden age of "writers who have HEARD about computers, but who definitely haven't used them yet and aren't gonna let that stop them", and now it's over!
T-Rex: We didn't even know what we HAD until it was too late!!
T-Rex: Nowadays you simply don't get plots about talking a computer to death by acting illogically, or how they "don't make mistakes", OR about haunted modems, and I definitely haven't read a serious take on "you got sucked into the game and now if you die in the game you die in real life" for AGES!
Dromiceiomimus: Oh wow, it has been a MINUTE since I read a good haunted modem story!
Utahraptor: Wait, these were a thing? Haunted modems?
T-Rex: Oh, DUDE. They were GREAT.
T-Rex: You have a character realize the BBS she'd been connecting to burned down 3 years ago this very night. Ooh, or there's a ghost sending ASCII-art rendered video of their face to converse, you know, SOMEHOW, and you're like "am I to suppose this huge data stream is sent over a 2400 baud modem in real time? WHAT??"
T-Rex: I read 150 stories last year and not ONE included an embarrassing display of ignorance regarding the actual bandwidth capacities of 2400 baud modems.
T-Rex: *sigh*
T-Rex: We've lost so much