T-Rex: There are problems in society! We can all agree on THAT.
T-Rex: And yet, NOBODY has fixed them yet!
T-Rex: So um, what the heck?
T-Rex: Luckily, I'VE come up with a solution that WILL fix said problems, and best of all it's SIMPLE!
T-Rex: It's SO simple that it's actually the sort of thing someone familiar with the broad shape of a problem - but none of its nuance, complexity, or history of past attempts at solutions - would come up with!!
Utahraptor: You're not worried that that's a BAD thing?
T-Rex: Of course I am!
T-Rex: Just as YOU'RE worried that by shooting down my ideas - even with good reason! - YOU'RE arguing our problems might really be insoluble, rendering the status quo an eternal fact of life with only the smallest incremental progress possible, and then only rarely!
Utahraptor: DAMN. Too true!
T-Rex: Anyway, my idea is that we have an app on our phones where you can vote on everything, well bye