T-Rex: Is revenge TRULY a dish best served cold? Let's find out!
T-Rex: Cold revenge takes YEARS and I have no promise it'll happen. Do I really wanna be obsessed with someone I don't even LIKE for possibly DECADES? Seems pretty sad and pathetic AND on the exact same tier as 40-year-old men still obsessed with what happened in high school. That's a pass from me!
Utahraptor: And the alternative is instant revenge?
T-Rex: YES!
T-Rex: Having to take revenge personally is hard, but if INSTANT KARMA does the trick? There's nothing sweeter, and it feels like the UNIVERSE ITSELF is on your side! In conclusion, I would love for anyone who wrongs me to get hit on the head by a falling branch or perhaps a meteoroid.
Off panel: Oh, a meteorOID is in space. If it reaches ground level, it's a meteorITE.
T-Rex: ...Utahraptor you may want to start carrying titanium-reinforced umbrellas