T-Rex: Okay! So, we get a couple - no! - a polyamorous CROWD of people, who all want to have a child, but who are all infertile. So! Then we get a donated fertilized egg...
T-Rex: ... and bring it to term with a surrogate mother who is herself married!
T-Rex: THEN, you give the child to the polyamorous crowd, who have new members replace old ones quickly and quite often. Um, infinitely often.
T-Rex: THAT’S, I think, how you get a child with the highest number of people who could possibly claim parentage. Tada!
Utahraptor: You've outdone yourself this time, my friend!
T-Rex: How's that?
Utahraptor: Well, you’ve raised pretty much every socio-reproductive issue in the book, and also RUINED THE LIFE OF AN IMAGINARY CHILD.
T-Rex: I haven't ruined any lives! The kid has like a bazillion parents: think about his birthday!