T-Rex: When I was a kid people used to say "smooth move, Ex-Lax" all the time...
T-Rex: ...but now as an adult one hears it rarely, if at all!
T-Rex: Yes, this is but one of the MANY differences between now and several decades ago. Another one is we used to have NON-CELLULAR phones in our houses, which we called "regular phones" - or "phones" for short.
Utahraptor: Hey, uh... what's going on, buddy?
T-Rex: Oh, just talking about the past!
T-Rex: I realized that one day I'll die and the experiences I had will leave living memory, so I figured, hey, why not share 'em now?
Utahraptor: It's just - tons of people still remember these things, so these memories aren't even that valuable?
T-Rex: Oh! Also, we had pagers, which were like texts but your message had to be a number! Neat, huh?
Off panel: T-Rex, I WAS THERE.
T-Rex: Also tech was something that would free us, rather than make our lives worse!
Off panel: Hahah, oh yeah!
Off panel: I forgot about that one