T-Rex: Ah, the golden rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!
T-Rex: Pretty crazy!
T-Rex: Following this rule, I could feed my vegetarian friends delicious steak sandwiches, because that's what I'd like! Mmm-mmm delicious!
Dromiceiomimus: Well, no, T-Rex, because you probably wouldn't want to be fed something YOU didn't like.
T-Rex: Aha, so much for the golden rule! There's a lot of other awesome variants anyway.
Utahraptor: Wait - are you really abandoning the ethic of reciprocity?
T-Rex: APPARENTLY, dude!
T-Rex: Now I'm all about "Do unto others AS they do unto you". Notice the lack of a "would have". Actually, NOW I'm all about "do unto others before they do unto you." No wait! "Do unto others at the same time as they are doing unto you". That one is about doing things together with friends, I think!
T-Rex: I notice you are leaving! Could my conversational stylings be partially to blame??