T-Rex: I have been working on a script: a noir about a computer programmer who gets involved in a snuff film conspiracy. The title?
T-Rex: (A)bort,
T-Rex: (R)etry,
T-Rex: (M)urder!
T-Rex: So the main character - the programmer - he saves the girl from the killer, but then he makes an error... a FATAL ERROR.
Dromiceiomimus: Is the entire script based on computer puns?
T-Rex: Well...
T-Rex: So far, yeah.
T-Rex: But there is a scene where he types and the screen projects onto his face!
Utahraptor: Stop it!
Utahraptor: T-Rex, you're just ripping off every movie ever made with computers in it. What are you saying that's new?
Utahraptor: What are you saying that's original?
T-Rex: You must not have heard what my main character's name is!