T-Rex: I went to the optometrist AGAIN last night, and AGAIN she said I might need to get nerd goggles!
T-Rex: (She called them "glasses" but you can tell she was thinking "nerd goggles"!)
T-Rex: The PROBLEM is that I define myself in terms of not having glasses! People are always "Oh, you're looking for T-Rex? He's the green tyrannosaurus rex over there! You'll be able to spot him because he's so not wearing glasses."
Dromiceiomimus: Aw, I think you'd look cute in them! I also think you can turn this around and make glasses your thing, you know?
T-Rex: Maybe Dromiceiomimus is right!
Utahraptor: She usually is!
T-Rex: I COULD get some pretty kick-ass glasses. Like glasses that say "WARNING: AWESOME DUDE" on them! OOH, or horn-rimmed 60s housewife glasses! Sweetness!
Utahraptor: You'll have to wear them every day, so maybe you'll, um, want to see how they look before you commit?
T-Rex: I'm here to pick up my prescription "Happy New Year 2004" glasses! They have a plastic "2" on one side and a "4" on the other.
Off panel: Sir, you have made an unforgettable choice.
T-Rex: I like you too, optometrist clerk!