T-Rex: I have a problem! The problem is that when I'm chatting online with someone, I - I sometimes steal their writing styles?
T-Rex: It's like I have no chatting identity of my own!
T-Rex: If they're not using capital letters, I'll stop using them too, because I don't want to seem all hoity-toity! And if they're using smilies then I might throw a few in, just so they don't feel like I look down on them. It's like - I'm somehow so insecure about how I type that I become this chatting chameleon. You know, Dromiceiomimus?
Dromiceiomimus: I guess!
Utahraptor: Man, I wish you'd adopt MY chatting style, both style-wise AND content-wise!
T-Rex: *gasp*
Utahraptor: T-Rex, I'm always "Hey, here I am ready to intelligently discuss the Issues of the Day" and you're all, "d00d what's for breakfast?? :000!".
T-Rex: Well. Maybe. But I feel comfortable with you! I guess I do it with people I haven't known for as long. I'll do better next time, okay?
〚messaging application window with conversation log between <rex> and <utah>〛
Window title: Awesome Chat 2: AWESOME PEOPLE ONLY
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Caption: 〚above a picture of T-Rex〛 Your avatar:
T-Rex: hey utahraptor
T-Rex: hey
Utahraptor: Hey, what's up?
T-Rex: dude not much
T-Rex: check in out i just found the best emoticon EVER
T-Rex: OGC
Utahraptor: I don't get it.
T-Rex: turn your head
T-Rex: hahaha
T-Rex: OCC - shit, i never took out the garbage!
T-Rex: OGC - oh wait!! i did!
T-Rex: hey
T-Rex: tell your friends okay